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 BBC Drama gave us a call and asked us if we'd like to create a crop circle for the second series of their spooky drama series 'Sea of Souls' which has been described as a kind of Scottish X Files. The design of the formation was left up to us, so at the beginning of August 2004 circlemakers John Lundberg, Wil Russell and Rob Irving flew up to Scotland and created a formation on the outskirts of Glasgow at Balangary Farm in Houston, near Bishopton. The crop was a weird hybrid wheat that was much taller than the crop we usually work in - measuring between 3ft and 4ft high. It looked more like barley, and from a distance the field had a fluffy quality to it.
Below are some screen shots from the show. The day after we created it, a gale blew through Glasgow damaging the formation. Can you spot the digital manipulation that the BBC did in post-production?
Above: Diagram of 200ft crop circle we designed for Sea of Souls.
Above: Our circlemaking equipment, en route to the field, via Heathrow airport, Glasgow airport, the Milton Hotel and finally in the field at Houston.
Above: Wil developing a new technique of flattening crop!
Above: John Lundberg, Rob Irving and Wil Russell in the center of the completed formation.

Above: After the formation was completed, security were drafted in to keep any rouge croppies out of the formation before filming commenced.
Photos / Diagram: BBC, Rob Irving, Circlemakers.
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