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This site is designed and maintained by artist and circlemaker John Lundberg [pictured right].
Welcome to the 'circlemakers' website. Within this site you will find a wealth
of information by and about England's crop circlemakers. You'll be able
to learn how to become a circlemaker using our easy to follow 'Beginners
Guide'. Read about the history of circlemaking, 'hear' a circle being made and learn about some of the weird experiences the circlemakers
have encountered whilst out making formations and gain some insight into
'why' this tight band of individuals spend their summers out in the
fields of England flattening cereal crops in various intricate patterns!
There's loads of stuff hear, so stop loitering and explore the site.
Don't forget to send us your thoughts before you leave... see you in the fields. Photo Courtesy: John Robertson
About the site
By John Lundberg
The "circlemakers" web-site was conceived in the summer of 1995 by Geoff Gilbertson, Rod Dickinson and myself during the Glastonbury Crop Circle Cornference [sic]. As I remember it, Rod and I were deep in conversation with UFO Magazine editor Graham Birdsall and Reg (Troggs) Presley, as to whether an object photographed over a crop circle in Hampshire was a UFO or a bird caught in flight, when Geoff - who at the time none of us knew - appeared from nowhere and blurted out, "would you like a web site?" At first we tried to ignore him, but he was persistent... he explained that he was working on a web-site for recording artist Jamiroquai and that our site would be part of "J's Joint", which already hosted amongst others "hemp", a pro marijuana site and 'Reclaim the Streets', an anti-roads site. The Idea that Sony Music would be footing the bill for a site dedicated to crop circle making was both amusing and appealing. Geoff and I exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet up in London. By September the first version of the site was online, hosted by the Hypermedia Research Center. The site moved to the 'head-space' project in 1996 and as of August 1999 the site is now hosted on its own server.
Since its inception the site has continued to grow and mutate. It's been re-designed twice and has received favorable reviews from: The Times, .net, Internet, Time Out, Fortean Times, The Guardian, Internet Works and Meridian TV's cyber.cafe show amongst others. As well as winning numerous awards over the years such as a 'Yell UK Web Award' for best personal site and The Guardian newspaper's site of the year award amongst many others...
Special thanks To: Geoff, Felix and Jason at <HEAD>, JermQ at the HRC, Rod, Wil, Rob, Steve and all those who have contributed to the site over the years.
"if there is artifice on the way into the mind, there can be artifice on the way out." Jim Schnabel
"One summers evening in 1978 after several pints in the Percy Hobbs Doug Bower and Dave Chorley were taking the air on a bridle path on the Longwood Estate, near Cheesefoot Head. They were talking about UFOs. Bower (who used to live in Melbourne, Australia) recalled a case in Queensland, where a UFO had reportedly ascended from a swirled nest of marsh-grass. 'What do you think would happen if we put a nest over there?' Bower joked to Chorley, pointing to a nearby wheatfield. 'People would think a flying saucer had landed." Jim Schnabel - Round in Circles "The nocturnal pastime of circle making was made popular by the work of two Hampshire-based artists, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. For over 12 years their simple circle sets attracted the interest of scientists world-wide. During this time other artists began e them, eventually superseding them, and continued a chain reaction - mutating from the UFO lore from which it still suckles and, in turn, nourishes - to become what is arguably the most mysterious 'tactile- paranormal' phenomenon this century. In 1991, Doug & Dave's claim to original authorship created an atmosphere well known to theological sociologists; that discomfirmation can lead to strengthened belief. Consistent with previous millennial activity, the religious use of pseudo science to plot our destiny has reached another high... the circles have become signs and portents of our time." *
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