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It's traditional for us British to venture forth to the seaside whenever a bank holiday comes around. So with that spirit in mind - as well as a sand circle commission from mobile phone operator o2 - we all flew up to Blackpool beach for the August 2003 bank holiday.
Above: The completed formation viewed from the air.
The commission was to create an ephemeral slogan on Blackpool beach that would be washed away by the incoming tide to coincide with o2's launch of it's new directory enquiry service 118 500. The idea behind the campaign was to encourage people to save the new number to their mobile phone and then forget it, hence the disappearing artwork.
A team of six circlemakers created the 300ft formation in approx 6 hours.

Above: One of the many diagrams produced to help create the formation.

Above: Work begins by outlining all of the characters, '8' pictured.

Above: Then each of the characters are 'coloured in' using rakes... job done!
Photos: o2 and John Lundberg.
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