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2nd UFO Photograph - or Aerial Anomaly by Rod Dickinson
This photograph is one of a series of four taken on 21 December, 1993 whilst I was out walking just south of Dorchester, Dorset. I was also looking for and photographing any remaining traces of that season's crop circles. Standing on the B3159 road overlooking Maiden Castle hill-fort and the site of a previous, small crop circle, I witnessed at about 11am two flashes of light, seemingly from the sky to the north-east.
This prompted me to take a sequence of photographs panning from the North towards Maiden Castle around to the east along the road. Apart from the flashes of light, nothing anomalous was visible in the sky. I returned to the same site later in the day at 4pm, and thought I witnessed another flash of light - this time from the south. I took another sequence of photographs. This time to the south and east.
Once developed, the film showed a total of four anomalies none of which were seen whilst the photographs were being taken. The photograph was taken on a 35mm SLR camera using standard 100 ASA colour slide film. The exposure was set at 1/125 and 1/250 of a second.
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