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Here we showcase what we feel are the best of this seasons formations. [ Images courtesy Colin Andrews (4) and Steve Alexander (1-6) ]  
   As this years season approached its end, larger and more complex formations are appearing in and around the Witlshire heartlands... Above are a selection of the formations. Three of which (1-4-5) incorporate never before seen seven fold geometries... The first seven-fold fractal formation (4) appeared in the famed East Field at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire on July 9th. The flattened area of crop measures approx. 300ft across and is surrounded by 147 circles. Crop circle researcher Colin Andrews said of the formation "It is truly a very spectacular design". The more recent fractal formation (1) appeared just outside Alton Barnes on August 9th.
[ Images courtesy Steve Alexander ]
   As of early June approximately forty crop circle formations have been discovered out in the fields of England. Above are three of the more accomplished designs.
The formation below appeared opposite Silbury Hill, Wiltshire in Oil Seed Rape during early May and is approx. 200ft across. It's probably the most complex formation to appear in rape and quickly made it into the main-stream press gaining favorable coverage on television including West Country Local News and BBC1's Country File. The formation was also featured in the trailer for Channel 4's 'Real X Files' series of programmes that included a documentary on 'remote viewing' by 'circlemakers' contributor Jim Schnabel. The formation was also covered on BBC Radio 1. You can download an mpeg movie of the West Country Local News report which features aerial footage of the formation or listen to a Real Audio clip of the Radio 1 'newsbeat' report.
[ Images courtesy Steve Alexander (1) and A J Samuels (2-6) ]
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